Organic Estate
in the Heart
of Tuscany
Considerate Hotel
Of The Year
Small Luxury Hotels
Of The World
Organic Estate
Our values and our Goals
An integral complex, a restored villa transformed into an agricultural estate, where centuries of history are reflected. The stimulation of the senses by nature, the possibility of accommodation to take the experience further, all combined with the most intimate Tuscan hospitality that does not give up luxury without harming the environment.
Being sustainable in luxury does not mean giving up something, but rather having the same level of comfort, combined with highest ethics and outstanding product offerts.

of Vireo

Accomodation Facilities

Landscape Protection

The restaurants
Walk around Villa Petriolo and its enchanting estate through our beautiful virtual tour.
Catapult yourself into a three-dimensional, immersive experience discovering our facility, pools, impressive suites and more.
Via di Petriolo 7 – 50050 – Cerreto Guidi – Firenze – Italia