Bio Estate

Tuscany in its true essence

Villa Petriolo is not just an estate but the perfect balance between Tuscan nature and Renaissance art, between the modern Florentine lifestyle and the ancient traditions handed down to this day.

The Farm

the heart of our production

The products we use for the restaurant, for the creation of cosmetics and for experiences related to agricultural production are born from the love for the land.

But there is a way and a way to do agriculture. Agriculture at Villa Petriolo respects the environment that surrounds it to maintain a healthy balance between man and nature.

in the Wild

Living according to nature

As in a continuous cycle, in the Villa Petriolo estate we have shown that it is possible to support an all-round production chain where you can find the “farm”, like it used to be, without damaging nature.

In fact, within the estate, the animals of our farms such as goats, sheep, hens and Cinta Senesi live in the wild immersed in pristine greenery and are fed with organic and selected foods.

and agriculture

Vineyards, olive groves and ancient grains

In this area vineyards, olive groves and fields of cultivation cover the gaze as far as the eye can see, oil and wine dominate our economy, our gastronomic culture, our way of being.


life of a bee

You will probably more than once have seen her fluttering about the bushes, in a deserted corner of your garden, without realizing that you were carelessly watching the venerable ancestor to whom we probably owe most of our flowers and fruits…and possibly even our civilization.

From our land to our products

It all comes from here.
Organic and sustainable agriculture is the basis of our project, the products are born from the love for the land.


the forest of
save the planet

With a view to a greener and more sustainable world, we have started another project with Save the Planet to create a reforestation area where the trees purchased with crowdfunding will be planted for eco-sustainable events.


a pacific place

A peaceful but also sustainable place. In fact, in our lake a purifier has been installed that receives all the waters of the estate and relays them in our lake which is therefore also converted into a renewable water source serving agricultural production and into a small ecological oasis with fish and waterfowl.